Photo of the Week - Week 27:

Phibsborough's DM1 is seen operating Route 122 on the North Circular Road on the 6th July 2014.

Its unusual for DublinBusStuff to feature the same bus twice in the same month, but then again DM1 is very unusual. It has been in service basically everyday since it finally entered service on Route 9 last month. It did one day/evening on the 120, however it has not been seen straying onto other routes in Phibsborough. So it was a great surprise that it appeared on Bus 1 on the 122 on Sunday 6th July 2014. This bus is a full day bus, doing both the first and last service from Drimnagh on a Sunday. For this reason the bus should still be going even now (8pm on the 6th July), however one never knows if it could be swapped, which sometimes happens with these oddities. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come and the bus does the full quota of Phibsborough routes until its trial there ends.

DM1 is seen at the 122 terminus on the Drimnagh Road on the 6th July 2014.

A rear shot of DM1 at the 122 terminus at Drimnagh on the 6th July 2014. Note the long angle gives a clear view of the windowed staircase.

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.